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​Face-to-face: One step forward to the new normal

by Ramzel Ivan Hugh G. Delloro

As the pandemic decreases its impacts on the lives of the citizenry, new measures of slowly going back to normal have emerged and consistently being talked about on the planning table of our government’s policy makers. This preposition doubled down as the Department of Education issued DepEd Order no. 017 s. 2002 expanding the conduct of face-to-face classes throughout the country. Many would say this is a “mana” dropped from heaven, an answered prayer for some struggling to cope up in distance and/or blended learning.

It is in no doubt that distance learning for almost two years since the pandemic began is an excruciating torn in the foot for some students. They relied mostly on group chats, updates from facebook pages, and for some, just the information relayed to them once their parents retrieve their modules in the school premises due to lack of cellular service in their areas.  Once the Department of Education signaled its commitment to return to the classroom, you could just imagine the look on their faces.

There are many factors on why the resumption of face-to-face classes is a breath of relief for most pf the students. This is due to the fact on how painful and difficult it was to undergo distance and/or blended learning for two consecutive school years.


On top of our minds is always the uncertainty of self-learning. We can’t deny the fact that most students have a hard time learning on their own because of their various intellectual capacities. Some students could just digest a single paragraph in one reading, while some requires thorough understanding and comprehension. In relation to that, a 2020 poll conducted by the Social Weather Stations among 1,200 respondents indicated that 89 percent of families with enrolled members said blended learning which refers to the DepEd's policy of requiring schools to offer learning modes aimed at implementing distance learning , was more difficult than the traditional face-to-face method.



A survey conducted by the civil society group Movement for Safe, Equitable, Quality and Relevant (SEQuRe) Education reports that 86.7 percent of students under modular learning, 66 percent under online learning and 74 percent under blended learning for public school students and teachers indicating that the shift to distance learning had burdened them with heavier workloads, led to internet connectivity and cost problems, and came with limited resources. This proves that distance learning adds to the difficulties and flaws of our education system.  Thus, returning to face-to-face classes is clearly a welcome development for the majority of students in the entire country.

Consequently, the decision made by DepEd to expand the resumption of face-to-face classes is a clear indication that they have listened finally to the ailing voice of the students suffering in their respective learning experiences brought by the pandemic. I always equate that justice is when the government puts the people’s interest first other than convenience and innuendos. Failing to listen and act accordingly is considered an injustice in a normal and functioning democracy.

Scramble for new DepEd head

by Ramzel Ivan Hugh G. Delloro

An avalanche of reactions went ravaging the moment Atty. Vic Rodriquez announced that presumptive Vice President Sara Duterte will be the new head of education for the incoming administration of the dictator’s son, Marcos Jr. A huge turnaround from being Defense Secretary, the once desired position of the “iron lady” of Davao. Nevertheless, the question now looms on whether she is fit for the top position in the Department of Education.


The day after the announcement hit the waves in the media, Duterte commented on her appointment as DepEd secretary and calls it a “girly-girly” department, a sort of sarcastic way of expressing her excitement for the government post. One only needs an inch of common-sense to assume that DepEd wasn’t her first choice. In context, it was literally moments ago before Rodriguez’s announcement that she will head DepEd when Sara Duterte’s spokesperson, Christina Frasco mentioned in a CNN interview that presumptive VP Sara still wishes to be DND secretary.

Given the surrounding premise of her appointment, one should not head a department if they don’t want the position in the first place. This just gives us the preposition that Sara Duterte is not fit to be DepEd secretary.

As Mayor, she is known for her peace and order track record, a trait she shares with her father, the outgoing commander-in-chief. Hence her desire to be Defense Secretary as her background most appropriately reflects in that position. In a statement,  the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT)  said that what the country needs is a “leadership that recognizes the learning crisis, the desperate quality of education, the chronically underpaid status of teachers, and the degeneration of the country’s sense of history and grasp of truth”. We ought to assume that 31 million Filipinos who voted for her, did not expect her to be DepEd Secretary as provided in her background as Mayor.

Moreover, the reason for concerns about her leading the education sector in the country, is her recent pronouncement for the push of mandatory military training for the youth. In relation to this, the Save Our Schools Network released a statement saying that “the issue of discipline cannot be answered by submitting our youth to a militarist training that is known to abuse and murder its own cadets through hazing and is known for human rights abuses which we have experienced.”

The next DepEd administration should focus on the curriculum that promotes personal and national development, genuine patriotism and the advancement of truth, democracy and human rights, and an education model that will usher in a new generation of Filipinos that are proud of their history and culture.  A Department of Education that will meet the students and teachers in the middle ground and not just craft policies that doesn’t benefit most of its contituents.


A lot of people may think that it is inappropriate to say that she isn’t qualified. That may be fair to say but we always assess our public servant based on their brand of leadership and proven track record. We pick the best people based on their merits, not just of the name and stature but through their deeds. While it is fair to say that we should give her a chance to prove her worth, it is also fair to say that Sara Duterte's appointment deserves to be scrutinized by the public as any functioning democracy permits.


Events going virtual: Is it time?

by Ramzel Ivan Hugh G. Delloro

​The new normal not just offered a path going back where we were before, it also offered new alternatives on which we never even imagined before.  As the pandemic rages and students are at the comforts of their homes, it is human nature to think of a better and safer way on how we did things prior to the pandemic. Just as one could expect, almost every event and celebration are held virtually these days and we should start to embrace it.

Before Covid, we are always mesmerized by the idea of going to contest outside the school. Students meet people and they could go to other places, take pictures, and create memories. Schools press conferences, read-a-thon, and countless other contests are held every year and students always get in line to join them if they are luckily chosen.


Since the dawn of the pandemic collapsed upon us, we have left no choice but to stay at our home and do the best that we can to be productive. Students are having online classes and answering learning modules, some workers work from home, and our parents have chosen other jobs that could be done at home, this just proves on how much we have change our ways. Contests and events should be one of them. Transitioning to virtual means of conducting these events shows  innovation and the adaptability.


Virtual events are comfortable and handy. You could join any event as long as you have a stable connection elsewhere. Since we are now in an online world, we also should be ready to go online whenever necessary.


The world is changing rapidly, we might or might not notice it, but it is an ongoing process in our midst. The key on operation in this world is adaptability, the greatest type of intelligence one could possess. Now is the time to join the bandwagon of innovation. We should and must enter the virtual world.

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